Theme : Vietnam return
Start/ finish : Saigon/ Tay Ninh
Day 1: Arrive in Saigon and begin your Vietnam return.
Day 2: We explore the central city to trace the past time landmarks and discover the significant changes. Enjoy dinner at a local restaurant with the participation of our former enemy.
Day 3: Today we travel to the Northwest of Saigon City to revisit Cu Chi Base and Ho Bo Woods, home of the VC’s underground tunnel. We’ll pass Boi Loi Battle Site and Black Virgin Mountain on the way to Tay Ninh. Stay overnight at a city hotel.
Day 4: In the morning we head toward Vietnam- Cambodia border and see the relic of COSVN, once a US troop target in the Junction Operation. After visiting the site, return to attend the Cao Dai religion noon service. This afternoon we take the gondola up the Black Virgin Mount. Our dinner is hosted by a retired Cu Chi tunnel guerilla.
Day 5: We cross Saigon River to see Dau Tieng Base and Michelin Rubber Plantations, then continue north to the operational areas along “Thunder Road”. We’ll see en route the remaining bases, air-strips, and other places you might recall. Return to Saigon for the farewell dinner.